A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux


Perspective 1: The reaper

You are a diligent worker, just trying to do your job. The goal is to chase after the TBD and harvest their soul.

Perspective 2: Character TBD (To Be Deceased)

You're not ready to go just yet. The creature chasing after you looks kinda scary. The goal is to evade and find the exit portal.

How to play

Use your keyboard arrows, or the mouse to navigate the menu options

Upon entering the catacombs. Use your keyboard arrows to move around. If you're playing as the Reaper, the goal is to catch Tom. You get 10 pts per millisecond of gameplay. The lower the points, the better!

If you're playing as Tom, the goal is to evade the Reaper and look for the exit. Points work the same way, the lower the better.

Want to contribute?

Check out our GitHub repository.


Dontfearthereaper.zip 34 MB
reaper.x86_64 61 MB
reaper.exe 56 MB

Install instructions

The Game is an executable,
Just download and run it to play

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